How the Pyramid Model Framework Helps to Teach Social-Emotional Skills in Preschool

In the heart of Marguerite’s Place Childcare, laughter echoes through the rooms, and curiosity dances in tiny footsteps. Our vibrant classrooms are full of joy, exploration, learning, and creative expression. Here, each child is embraced and supported, ensuring they grow and thrive every day.

Our Childcare program is built on a unique framework called the Pyramid Model. 

This approach to early childhood education is not a set of strict behavioral guidelines or academic curricula. Rather, it’s a model that celebrates the empowerment, resilience, and boundless potential that reveals itself in our students when social-emotional learning is at the forefront of what we do every day in our classrooms.

The Pyramid Model Framework fosters children’s social and emotional development. Its aim is to establish a positive school environment by designing engaging classrooms and building strong relationships among children, families, and staff.

Families receive guidance on enhancing children’s social and emotional skills, collaborate with teachers in their growth and learning, and receive assistance in preventing and addressing behavioral issues. At the same time, our children increase their social and emotional skills and improve their readiness for kindergarten.

For our early childhood educators, the framework not only helps them teach social and emotional skills more effectively, but it also enhances their classroom management abilities and gives them information and resources to support our families. 

Universal Support

The first section of the pyramid supports students by focusing on two important universal features:

  1. Having caring people like family and teachers available to play with and help them learn and grow
  2. Making sure homes and schools are safe and fun places where they can not only learn about academic subjects but also how to make friends

Together, these universal concepts build the foundation for students to develop healthy social-emotional skills, which inherently support further academic and lifelong achievements. 

The First Level of Prevention Provides Targeted Emotional Support

In educational settings, all students benefit from guidance on how to express emotions and engage in cooperative play. However, some students may require additional support to acquire skills related to emotional understanding, problem-solving, and establishing healthy social connections.

This is where the first level of prevention of the Pyramid Model steps in to provide more targeted support and instruction for the students. 

Families are also equipped with guidance on how to support their young children in developing emotional intelligence and empathy at home. This fosters the building of a practical set of skills, facilitating a greater understanding and management of emotions and promoting effective interpersonal interactions as children continue to grow and develop. 

The Second Level of Prevention Includes a Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBS)

In instances where children encounter persistent behavior challenges, the Pyramid Model incorporates a specialized framework known as Positive Behavior Support (PBS). 

This approach involves the formation of a team comprising of both family members and educators. The team collectively engages in a comprehensive analysis of the root causes of challenging behavior(s), subsequently formulating a strategic plan encompassing:

  1. Preventative Measures
  2. Skill-building Initiatives
  3. Resources to sustain ongoing efforts to address challenges collaboratively and holistically


Supporting Social-Emotional Development is Key for Future Success

Developing social skills fosters teamwork and lasting relationships, while emotional learning aids in self-regulation. In an environment with skilled early childhood providers and positive connections between families, educators, and specialists, children can thrive.

Marguerite’s Place Childcare is proud to be one of the few early childhood programs in the state that has implemented this groundbreaking approach in our classrooms. Click here to learn more about our high-quality, affordable Childcare program. 

If you are interested in reading more about the impact of the Pyramid Model Framework in early childhood classrooms, you can find early studies here

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