Breaking the Silence: Finding Hope and Healing for Domestic Violence Survivors at Marguerite’s Place

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide, transcending boundaries of age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status. A common misconception of domestic violence is that abuse is always physical; unseen wounds are just as real and impactful. Emotional, verbal, sexual, and financial abuse all inflict scars, they are just unseen  

mother in beige shirt embraces young girl with yellow sweatshirt



For many, leaving an abusive relationship can often feel harder than staying. Financial dependency, fear, isolation, and lack of support can evoke denial and avoidance of their unsafe circumstances, and for many, knowing that fleeing abuse is only the first hard step can magnify feelings of hopelessness.   

At Marguerite’s Place, we recognize the significant role we play in positioning survivors to regain their independence, rebuild their lives, and reclaim their self-worth.  

We provide a safe and secure environment as families begin the process of healing. Along with stable and secure housing, we offer additional supports that are necessary to address their physical, emotional, and financial needs.  


Individualized case management supports them through processing their experiences, building self-esteem, as well as important, practical skills such as safety planning and learning healthy coping strategies. Our Family Empowerment programming is a social community of peers, allowing survivors to connect with others who may have similar experiences. These connections can be a source of strength and understanding. During these connectionbuilding opportunities, families are also offered resources and presentations that align with the skills they need to move toward independence. Examples of this are our annual financial wellness sessions, mental health wellness sessions, legal/family law resources and career development workshops  

In addition to intensive case management and community programming, Marguerite’s Place recognizes the important overlap of a two generational approach to support. By providing onsite childcare and early education programming, we ensure that the children in our care are meeting critical development milestones as well as having support related to exposure to adverse childhood experiences. A child does not need to be abused, they only need to witness it, for it to have lasting traumatic impacts.  

Our whole-family approach is by design: to support survivors as they break cycles of abuse and begin to stabilize, mitigate traumas for children and build their resiliency, and strengthen families as they move from crisis to healing.  

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and needs assistance, please call the NH 24-hour domestic violence and sexual assault hotline: (866) 644-3574. To access the NH Rapid Response Access Point for mental health support call/text: 833-710-6477.

To learn more about domestic violence and its impact in NH, head to the NH Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence website. You can find out more about how MP empowers survivors and families in crisis by clicking here, and don’t forget to sign up for our email list below to receive more impact in your inbox. 

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